Scholars, Scholars Everywhere…
Each year the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) analyzes the academic achievements of high school seniors from around the state to identify students with strong academic potential based on ACT or SAT test scores and sixth semester class rank. These students rank in approximately the top ten percent of high school seniors from over 650 participating Illinois high schools.
ISAC’s charter, since 1958, is to help make college accessible and affordable for Illinois families. Through the extensive assessment, ISAC has named 176 York students from the graduating class of 2016 as Illinois State Scholars.
“Achieving Illinois State Scholar status is an important recognition for this exceptional group of students,” said York Principal Diana Smith. “It demonstrates a high level of academic focus and commitment. We are proud that 27% of our seniors rank in the top 10% of students nationwide.”
“It is always an honor to announce another extraordinary group of State Scholars,” said Eric Zarnikow, ISAC executive director. “At a time when postsecondary education could not be more important to future job and career success, these students have demonstrated the kind of effort and dedication that will help them advance not only their futures, but the future of the state as well. We wish each of them the best as they pursue their chosen educational path.”
While this distinguished recognition does not include a monetary prize, recipients are encouraged to cite the honor on applications for college admission and scholarships.
The achievements of these students could not have occurred without the ongoing support and guidance from the entire extended York family and faculty. The continued focus of fostering an environment where students can achieve is a testament to education and experience received at York. Congratulations to the entire group and thank you to our dedicated faculty.
The following York High School students were named 2016-17 Illinois State Scholars:
Grace Achepohl, Zainab Ahmed, Katie Albin, Lilian Alexandrova, Lauren Aloia, Caroline Amann, Jack Anderson, Lauren Anderson, Kayla Arroyo, Nora Barrett, Emma Baubly, Alexander Berger, Thomas Blake, Jake Bohringer, Daniel Bolivar, William Bowbin, William Brigham, Alexandria Cahill, Lauren Cairo, Ryan Camp, Francesca Carfagnini, Joseph Ciannella, Jordan Ciccarone, Alexandra Ciullo, Eric Comings, Julia Conversa, Maxwell Craig, Stephanie Cui, Justin Dale, Daphne David, Devin Davies, Maxwell Denning, Jessica Depaul, Alec Deuter, Thomas Devereux, Cristina Diaz, Kathryn Dierksheide, Krastiu Dimov, Charles Dochoff, Kaitlyn Douglas, Katie Douglas, Ioan Draganov, John Drake, Emily Drost, Michael Ducey, Jillian Dunbar, Clare Dyra, Mark Edakara, Abigail Emich, Sheila Evans, Lydia Faber, Emily Fjeldstad, John Fleshood, Ellen Foley, Quinn Gaughan, Francesco Gianni, Lucie Gleason, Lucas Gough, Margaret Greer, Michael Griffin, Elizabeth Hagstrom, Robert Hanrahan, Shannon Hansen, Amanda Healy, Madison Hoffmann, Joshua Hovance, Anna Hubert, Christopher Jaeger, Ajay Jain, Gordon Johnson, Jordan Jopes, John Julian, Sarina Kao, Manuel Kappen, Amanda Karnatz, Kevin Kastholm, Kaylin Kenny, Katie Kesslering, Charles Kett, Ethan Kett, Kayman Klaas, Laila Klang, David Kociak, Alan Krance, Paige Kurczek, Suraj Kurian, Brenda Lehrer, Joseph Levin, James Licata, Leonard Liebeno, Matthew Loffredo, Katherine Lothian, Anna Lubertozzi, Ethan Madsen, Ally Mann, Timothy Manning, Cameron Markuson, Miranda Marnik-Said, Jonathan May, Brennan McGovern, Claire Meyer, Tara Meyer, Matthew Miller, Azam Mohsin, Sophia Mordini, Reed Morley, Emily Morris, Erin Muckian, Gabriela Navar, Claire Niewiara, Adora Nnam, Paula Nolte, Erik Nyberg, Jeffrey O’Brien, Walker O’Brien, Molly O’Connor, Katherine O’Dell, Sarah O’Donnell, Michael O’Malley, Rachel Orum, David Paprocki, Joseph Parayil, Jacob Pardue, Brandon Parr, Katherine Pasternock, Emily Patterson, Alyssa Patti, Stephen Pierzchala, Kelly Polte, Max Pozen, Samuel Rafac, Owen Rehling, Matthew Riecker, Hayley Rossiano, Maxwell Rouzer, Luca Ruhlander, Audriana Sadowicz, Collin Salek, Peter Salek, Sajini Samuel, Maggie Schlecht, Allegra Sciaccotta, Michael Seaborg, Anthony Senese, Kenneth Sidoryk, Cody Sieber, Adela Skowronski, Matthew Southworth, Michael Allen Speers, Caroline Stasica, Bailey Stearns, Brandon Stevens, Rayanna Stevenson, Lena Stojiljkovic, Bridgette Strawbridge, Amanda Strezo, Kate Sullivan, Vishruth Sunilkumar, Laura Swain, Alexander Tase, Rachel Teague, Edward Thomas, Robert Tomaska, Graeham Toomey, Elisabeth Trenta, Halle Truett, Kristen Viola, Seamus Ward, Michelle Wiese, Jackson Wiesenmayer, Alyssa Woodward, Natasha Yarlagadda, Jessica Yohannan, Carli York, Taylor Zars, Jessica Zellinger.

Nora Barrett, senior, is News Editor and Ad Manager of York-hi. She is captain of the Girl's Cross Country and a member of the Track team. In FCCLA, she...