This Week in Crazy: 2/19/16

Let me ask you something, York. Has evolution lost it? (Image is TM of Google Images)
Hello everyone and welcome to This Week in Crazy for Feb. 19, 2016. As always, use #TWIC to contribute. Let’s start the craziness.
On the election 2016 front, Ted Cruz, a senator from the lone star state of Texas, is ahead by two points against resident Republican mouthpiece, Donald Trump. This poll took place from Feb. 14 to Feb.16.
Now this makes me really happy because A.) Trump is pretty much becoming irrelevant at this point, and B.) Ted Cruz seems to be more competent (read: crazy) than the man.
Yet then again, we got a long way to go before election day.
Another thing that’s utterly mental is that during the Super Bowl, there was a commercial about a puppy-monkey-baby.
Basically, there are three guys sitting around and minding their own business when all of a sudden this weird thing pops through a wall holding a bucket of chilled Mountain Dew Kickstart. This thing starts dancing some weird jig, and then the three guys decide to join.
And you wonder why the Panthers lost. That said, it makes me wonder one thing: has science gone too far?
You know, we live in some strange times. I mean, we have gone from talking about an election to examining a nightmare fuel-filled creature, to Starbucks.
Yes, Starbucks– the people behind the red cup of political correctness holds the honor of having the highest amount of sugar in their drinks. If you know anything about high fructose corn syrup, you know that it’s the main form of sugar that’s not so good for humans.
Although they are super sugary, I do like me a shaken passion fruit iced tea with an iced lemon pound cake. Best. Combo. Ever.
In all seriousness, though, hang in there, folks. It’s all downhill from here.