Speech Team kicks off Fine Arts Week

Anthony Tovar

David Hansen, freshman, performs his original comedy routine

Alexis Olson, senior, performs
Anthony Tovar
Alexis Olson, senior, performs various characters in a middle school debate as part of the Humorous  Interpretation event.


Morgan Taylor and Tatum Langley, juniors, perform their duet comedic acting event
Anthony Tovar
Morgan Taylor and Tatum Langley, juniors, are “dudes” in their duet comedy acting.


Camile Butler, junior, performs a speech on envy for a special occasion speaking event.
Anthony Tovar
Camile Butler, junior, performs a speech on envy for a special occasion speaking event.



Jack Wiesenmayer performs Impromptu speech with only two minutes to prepare.
Jack Wiesenmayer performs Impromptu speech with only two minutes to prepare.