Horoscopes: March
Aries: In the upcoming month, you are going to want to do something spontaneous. Although your intentions are all in good fun, you need to watch out for yourself. This spontaneous attitude could end up being dangerous, mentally and physically. Think before you act because a rash decision could end in consequences from the heavens. Try to focus on reason and logic this month. When you use your mind, that is when you will make the best decisions and be most successful in your life.
Taurus: This March, you are going to begin to feel more insecure. You may feel insecure about your appearance or even the people you have been surrounding yourself with. This is one of your greatest weaknesses. You have to know that you are a reasonable person and you can overcome any weakness you encounter. You are patient, and this March you will be forced to use that patience more than ever before. Forget about what makes you fragile and uncertain in your soul, and bring out the traits that make you so tenacious.
Gemini: This March, there will be a very stressful decision that you have to make. When deciding what to do, you are going to have to weigh the pros and the cons of the possible repercussions of this decision. However, you are a thoughtful person, and you have the capability to make a great decision with positive effects. This March, you must show the serious side of yourself but do not forget your fun loving self, for that is what will make this month amazing.
Cancer: There is a certain friend in your life, this March, that you cannot seem to agree with. No matter how hard you attempt to mend your relationship, the struggles continue to occur; you might have to work harder to fix this relationship. Release your instincts to be catty and open your heart to the nourishing person you can be. This relationship could potentially be mended and last the rest of your life if you try hard enough. This month is in your hands.
Leo: Recently, you have been focused too much on your social life. In the scheme of things, it is necessary that you begin to focus on more important things. In focusing a lot of your attention on your social life, you are losing focus on yourself. Your education is important this March; with the end of the school year quickly approaching, you need to focus on school and your future.
Virgo: This March, you are going to have to work for something to an extent that you have never had to work before. Will it be worth the effort? Yes. You are the only thing in the way of reaching your goals in life. In order to achieve that which you need to succeed, you must stop doubting your abilities. Do not worry about the work you have to put in. If any sign can do it, it is you. This hard work may make you exhausted, but do not forget about your ability to enjoy yourself. This March, you have to remember the things that make you happy.
Libra: This March, your love for the outdoors is going to grow larger. With the blooms of Spring sprouting, you are going to find a new passion in different areas of nature. However, you are also going to have something on your mind that is bothering you. You deeply want to let it off your chest, yet you will avoid an argument at all costs. Do not be apprehensive. Whatever is bothering you could be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Be brave, and do not be scared to share your opinions with others for it will only help you this month.
Scorpio: You are a jealous sign. This March, a friend, or perhaps foe, will make you incredibly jealous — jealous to the point that you are reconsidering their place in your life. You must learn to calm your jealous feelings and turn them into something remarkable because this friend is not a foe, and you need to cherish the wonderful connection you have and not let it escape out from under your fingertips. Bring out the beautiful fire in you, and use this opportunity to address what is tugging at your heart.
Sagittarius: This March, you will travel somewhere you have never been before, and experience something new and unique to yourself. It will exceed your expectations only if you have an open mind and an open heart. You might say something that will upset someone, and that could happen in the middle of March. One of your greatest weaknesses is not thinking before you speak. This month you need to consider your words because they will have a surprising impact on someone very close to you. Be wise, for you have the power to make great change.
Capricorn: This March, your deep desire for success will overpower what is truly important to you. Recently, your focus has been too strong on making money and not enough focus has been on your relationships with others. For this reason, these relationships are slowly weakening. You must release your craving for wealth. In order to be happy in life, your relationships with friends and family need to grow. If you do this, the heavens will thank you and you will be jubilant in everyday life.
Aquarius: March is going to be a relieving month for you. Recently you have been running from something. You desperately have news to share with someone or you need to seek advice from someone, but you are afraid of what their judgments will be. Do not be afraid to tell your tale, for the truth is meant to be told and accepted. Break away from your reserved habits because a true friend will understand whatever it is you have to say. Be brave — you are meant to be and your relationships will take a turn in the right direction.
Pisces: The path ahead looks rather rocky for you. Although you have built up artificial means to validate yourself, you will feel the call to move past those ways. Perhaps you need to consider focusing more directly on your actions and feelings. Material objects and wealth should not be your focus this month. Try to re-examine your long term goals and “unkink” the flaws in your character. Also, remember to not hold yourself to higher standards than your peers. You are of the same earth as everyone else. Finally, Pluto’s orbit may create a sense of agony or suffering for no reason. Stay strong.

Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...