Isn't this the cutest thing... Ever? :3 (Image is TM of Google)
Cats: some of them make good pets and others are pretty much the bane of existence for wildlife on African terrain. Whether if you see them in the wilderness or at home, these guys have taken the internet and put a really good toehold on it.
Back in the day, cats were worshiped by the ancient Egyptians as guardians of the underworld. This is portrayed in the 1999 movie, “The Mummy”, a remake of the Boris Karloff movie of the same name where Imhotep (portrayed by Arnold Vosloo) high-tails it out of sight when he sees a cat playing a piano.
Several millennia later, cats have dominated the internet; there are photos of them, cute 15 second videos on these guys, and even the famous internet memes. Nyan Cat has so many remixes, it’s not even funny anymore. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites.
The first one is the Surprised Kitty. This 17 second video has over 76,000,000 views and shows a woman tickling a kitten. It’s kinda hard to stay mad at that, especially if you’re a cat owner. This video is also referenced in “SMITE”, by Hi Rez Studios, namely by the Goddess of Cats, Bastet. In her backstory, she traded godly powered face punches with Apep. In terms of feuds this crazy, those two were like the Manning/Brady, Kobe/Lebron, or Cubs/White Sox of the Egyptian Pantheon.
Another one that I like is the a little kitten in a McDonalds bag that pops out and then pops back into it. Again, it’s just so cute; it’s not even funny. It’s 2 minutes and 14 seconds long and has over 380,000 views. Not bad for a little fella in a bag.
Another one of my personal favorites is the cat giving a presidential speech. It’s only 6 seconds, but has over 90,000 views. This speech was the reaction of pretty much every American to the Ebola virus reports in Texas. Now, for those of you who do not have alarm bells going off in your head when you heard the name of this deadly virus, Ebola is that virus that causes blood to leak out of every orifice like a malfunctioning sink set to maximum spray after suffering from flu like symptoms. If you survive, you might be the luckiest person ever, being that the survival rate for this disease aren’t exactly in your favor. Besides, having a 50% chance to kick the bucket is not exactly something you want to go around bragging about, like it’s some badge of honor or something.
My last favorite, is the Turtle Cat. Now, to you and me, crossbreeding a turtle with a feline might be the most asinine thing the scientific community had ever seen, but this cat owner decided to put a cap on a kitten, and show a mouse toy to the little guy. There’s even a title drop in there, just for good measure.
I’ll leave you with this. Next time you see a cat, give it plenty of love, because they might give you a case of cat scratch fever.