New Star Wars trailer awakens?
On Thursday, April 8, a trailer for a new Star Wars movie was released. It’s not episode eight, so was does it mean?

The year 2015 was huge year for the galaxy far, far away. After ten years of waiting, fans were able to finally revisit their favorite characters with Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens. The film broke box office records being the most successful, in theater, film ever and was even nominated for several academy awards. The hype built up, unleashed its beautiful wrath, and faded as the movie sadly left the theater.
But unexpectedly, the hype is building again with something not quite yet seen in this franchise. The first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was released Thursday and that sense of excitement is starting to build again. No, this is not Episode 8, but an entirely new type of star wars genre. The beginning of a long line of independent Star Wars films that will be able to explore new characters and events not covered during the primary episodes.
Rogue One went largely unnoticed and covered up by The Force Awakens but now with a stage to take, Rogue One is looking to be another box office hit. The film will not feature any of the primary characters from the main episodes, but will explore new characters and others that didn’t previously get a large amount of screen time. The trailer, released Thursday morning, already has over fifteen millions views on Youtube and gave a strong insight into the premise of the film as well as its potential as a story.
Set right before Episode 4: A New Hope, Rogue One will tell the story of the rebels responsible for stealing the structural plans to the original Death Star, a pivotal point in allowing the rebels to destroy it at the end of the A New Hope. It won’t be the typical Jedi and Force wielding Star Wars movie that fans are used to, but a chance to explore the potential of the Star Wars universe. In fact, Rogue One is only the first film planned to be released in between the upcoming episodes eight and nine. A young Han Solo and Boba Fett movie are also proposed, and will follow the same idea, telling new stories in a familiar universe. These upcoming films may not have the same feel as the classic Star Wars movies, but could have huge potential in defining what the now Disney franchise is evolving into. Star wars is now a part of every generation today’s culture, and by the looks of it, won’t be disappearing anytime soon.

Jack, senior, is currently in his second year as part of the YTV crew and first year as part of the York-Hi staff. When not stuck doing homework, you can...