Game of Thrones season six review

Winter is coming, but this time, it’s in April.

Game of Thrones Premieres April 24.
Photo courtesy of

Game of Thrones Premieres April 24. Photo courtesy of

The long-awaited sixth season of the HBO drama series Game of Thrones is almost here. In the past few months, HBO has released teasers of the upcoming season but now has officially released a legitimate trailer.

As a disclaimer, this review will contain spoilers for anyone not caught up with the books or T.V. series. If you want to see the trailer for yourself, the link is here:

So with that out of the way, let’s get to the review!

Right off the bat, the trailer is stuffed with vague, yet suspenseful shots of the upcoming season. Starting with the first scene: the dead body of Jon Snow and Davos’ voice saying, “He’s gone.” 

Now a lot of people between the seasons have said that Jon Snow isn’t dead, and he will make an appearance in the upcoming season. It may look like Jon will make an appearance, but there’s no guarantee of him being alive, especially with the opening of the trailer which is almost confirming that Jon is permanently dead.

Also, there are a lot of battle shots in this trailer. We see the Bolten army a couple of times, the Dothraki army, and what looks like a flashback to Robert’s Rebellion at the Tower of Joy.

Not only is there the potential for more action in this upcoming season than ever before, but G.O.T may confirm the biggest theory in the entire series: R+L=J. This fan conspiracy claims that  Jon Snow is a Targaryen, not a Stark– which could change the course of the show entirely.

The music that’s paired with this trailer fits like a glove. James Vincent McMorrow’s Wicked Games is played for the first half of the trailer and for people who keep up with Game of Thrones, it drips with symbolism. Lines like “Strange what desire can make foolish people do,” and “What a wicked game you play,” represent the cutthroat environment of Westeros.

Plus, the song easily transitions to an exhilarating score, turning the hype up by 200 percent.

Overall, G.O.T. fans everywhere are super excited to see their favorites characters back on T.V. again (or at least what’s left of them). Tune in for the official premiere on April 24.