Krampus, Circa 2015 (Image is courtesy of Blogspot.com)
With all the success that the Christmas horror comedy “Krampus” received on the opening week of Christmas 2015, it shouldn’t come as an earth-shattering surprise that this combination of speed and strength, with Adam Scott and Toni Collette (the former starring in James Wan’s” Insidious” and the latter starring in “United States of Terror”). alongside an all-star cast of kids and adults alike, is going digital and to DVD stores across the snowglobe.
With that said, let’s take a look at the various monsters that the Big K has under his wing (As well as the giant goat demon himself.)
Der Klown: Hands down the most iconic monster in Krampus’ army, this porcelain jack in the box is like a mix of the Predator and a Great Dane. He is as scary as 20,000 spiders, but there’s a bit of charm to him.
Teddy Clause: A savage little guy, Teddy isn’t like that teddy bear with Peter Griffin’s voice. Instead, he just attacks anyone who doesn’t think Christmas is the best thing since sliced bread.
Tik Tok: Named after a Ke$ha song, this mechanical monster is a toy robot who cares as much about the first law of robotics as I do for the Chicago Bears these days. Armed with a pair of scissors in place of a hand, this machine has no strings to hold him back.
Pertcha the Cherub: This fallen angel doll was once a gift from token grandmother Omi, who had a run-in with Krampus. She comes to life during the snowstorm and gets the drop on anyone misguided enough to look up.
Lumpy, Clumpy, and Dumpy: These computer-generated gingerbread men serve as a trio of pastries that are nuttier than a walnut stained candy apple that’s rotten. Also, they’re a good shot with a nailgun. Just ask Howard (played by David Koechner).
Krampus: The big dog on campus in this movie, this pagan spirit has been punishing anyone that has lost their Christmas spirit even before the birth of Christ. This pagan spirit is such a total cat and mouse player about the whole thing, that it makes any given hero in a Tom Clancy (he’s an author) novel look like Tom and Jerry (the legendary televised cat and mouse duo).
Also, as a side note, this guy leaves babbles (little bells) as a reminder as to why losing faith in the Christmas spirit is one of the worst ideas in the history of bad ideas. Interestingly, he’s also a real smooth operator and ladies man if some postcards are to be believed. He’s portrayed by Luke Hawker, with Gideon Emery doing the vocals of Krampus’ laughing and roaring.
Guten Krampusnacht or “good Krampus night” York; get this on DVD soon.