York celebrates “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work” day
On Thursday, April 28, many York faculty and staff were delighted to participate in “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day.” Across the nation, parents brought their children to work. Likewise, members of various academic and administrative departments brought their children to York bright and early for a day filled with fun and learning.
Science teacher Mark Golebiowski first brought the idea to Principal Diana Smith’s attention last week.
“She encouraged not only my own kids to come, but for anyone else with kids to bring them to York as well,” Golebiowski said in an email inviting teachers to participate.
Ryan Doherty, English teacher, also supported the idea and encouraged teachers to bring their kids.
“I can be in the office all day on Thursday, so if things go South in the classroom, I can kidsit,” Doherty wrote in an email to the English staff.
Mr. Golebiowski also offered his classroom to colleagues if their children needed extra entertainment.
“I’ll have coloring books, science gizmos and stuffed animals in my room in case things go South,” said Golebiowski.
Sophomore chemistry student Madison Collins, said, “Mr. Golebiowski’s kids were in my Chemistry class, and they are the cutest kids.
English teacher Ceci Bylina brought her daughter Norah and her son Steven. Both children enjoyed being in her classroom and interacting with students in Y’s Tales.
“Mommy, this is my favorite big school ever,” Steven said, on his way back to preschool.
For more on the national event, visit http://daughtersandsonstowork.org/.

Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...