Students select next year’s class presidents and homecoming theme

At the end of May, students at each grade level cast their vote for their class president. Congratulations to the following elected officials–we’re looking forward to great things next year.
Class of 2017 President: Asiye Uzun
I am an active member of Student Council, Ambassadors, Freshman Mentor and NHS.  I enjoy being part of Student Council because I have the privilege of representing the ideas of my class members when planning school activities. I truly have a passion for understanding the needs of my classmates to create a spirited school community. Outside of Student Council, I enjoy being a part of our community by volunteering on a weekly basis. I love extending my passion for community service outside of York High School.  If elected Senior Class President, my main goal is to not simply make our final year spectacular, but also make our class into a family. I want to take ambitious individuals that we all are and create a big cohesive unit of students. Being a member of Student Council has taught me the importance of knowing the people that you work with. If we all know each other closely, we will be able to easily identify the needs of our school community so that we can create events that will make our final year memorable. I am also a huge believer in community service. I believe that community service brings individuals closer together because everyone works towards the same goal of helping others. If elected, I will plan numerous community service projects throughout the year that we can all do as a class.  I would like to represent the voice of the members of our class so that we can we can all have positive experiences as we plan for what’s ahead of us.
Class of 2018: Olivia Pechous
On my first day at York, I noticed the music playing in the hallways between passing periods needed change. If you elect me, Olivia Pechous, as Junior class president, I promise to do my best to update the music. By improving music in the hallways, we can make this the most memorable school year yet and we can see change. This year, I’d like to use my leadership skills to improve the quality of this school by implementing more spirit days, giving more appreciation to the arts department, and promoting attendance at athletic events. As your junior class president I will make this school year the most exciting one yet with an unforgettable prom, spirited homecoming week and entertaining pep rallies. Please vote for me, Olivia Pechous, for your 2016-17 class president. I would be honored to lead our class and represent your ideas and suggestions in Student Council!
Class of 2019: Abby Ross
Wow! I, Abby Ross, can’t believe that our freshman year has flown by so quickly – it feels like yesterday I was stuck trying to do my locker combination! Wait a minute … that WAS yesterday! In a week’s time, though, we won’t be freshmen any longer. We’ll be official sophomores, one year closer to our graduation in 2019. With the seniors’ departure to their respective schools and occupations, we will take on more responsibility that comes with opportunity. Taking these opportunities is not very difficult, but recognizing these opportunities is what sets apart the good from the great from the exceptional. From already having one year of high school under my figurative belt, I have no doubt that we, as a sophomore class, have the capacity for reaching above and beyond, to truly make a stand-out impression on our fellow York students, staff, and community, in general. Our potential can only be fulfilled by sticking together, for it is a necessity, and I believe my role as the class president would be the perfect glue. I have high hopes for those of us in 10th grade, which I know we can strive for, reach, and surpass in our future.
In addition to voting for class presidents, students also voted on next year’s homecoming theme: Once Upon a Time. Check back with in August for more info on homecoming festivities and back-to-school activities.