Humans of York | August 26, 2016

Senior, Camille Butler, goes all out for the U.S.A. theme during the first football game of the 2016-2017 season. Friday was her first time going to a York football game voluntarily, and she said she “only did it for the lipstick”.
For their last year of high school, Megan McGreal and Olivia Possley are excited to finally be able to sit in the senior section at the football stadium to cheer the Dukes on Friday’s first football game of the season against New Trier.
Seniors, Megan Nolley, Taylor Millette, Katie Mitchell, Kasey Gelsomino, Olivia Possley and Camille Butler pose while sporting their U.S.A. themed spirit wear to support the Dukes as well as the York marching band which they were very excited to see at the field.