Under the Monocle: Annie Hart

Ms. Hart in the math lab where she spends lunch periods helping students.
After graduating from the University of Illinois in the spring, former student Annie Hart is excited to be back at York this year as a new math teacher.
Hart has always loved helping people. When she was in high school, she spent time babysitting to help her neighbors out, and even started her own small tutoring business.
“I always knew that I didn’t want to sit in a desk or in a cubicle all day,” said Hart. “I wanted to work with people and really feel like I was making a difference.”
Her great experiences with her teachers here at York helped Hart make the decision to become a teacher herself.
“My math teachers were so energetic and bubbly and really made math applicable to my life,” said Hart.
Aside from math, Hart loved the friendly environment at York while she was going here. Of course she still loves it now, but being a teacher has made her see some things differently.
“When I was going to York, I loved everything building up to homecoming week, seeing everyone get so excited, and the football games,” Hart said. “I still see that here every day, it’s just nice to be on the faculty side of it all now.”

Julia Neri is a senior at York High School. This is her third year as a staff member on York-hi, and she has been the features editor of the newspaper...