Girls tennis teams show their strength both on and off the court
Tennis has made it’s mark in the Elmhurst community, and there’s no better example of its rise in interest than the 2016 girls tennis program.
This school year, girls tennis faced a problem that most clubs and activities would be glad to have – they had too many people try out. This resulted in the no-cut sport forming JV Green, a new team this year joining the ranks of three girls tennis teams already established at York.
“I feel like the tennis community and culture in general is growing. We have 76 girls out, which is a record number from what I can remember from both coaching here for 11 years, and going here for 4 years,” said Mr. Heimann, a York Alumni, Dean, and varsity coach. “In the last 15-20 years, these are record numbers, and we’re thrilled.”
Growth in the tennis community around Elmhurst is just one of the factors that led to an increase in numbers. Another factor is the strong bond within the teams that draws athletes to the courts every year.

“Every team has a built in family. I’ve met some amazing girls and guys through York tennis and feel that I can confide in many of my teammates like extra older and younger sisters,” said Jacki Riek, a sophomore and returning varsity team member.
The community and family aspects help to fuel their work ethic; all four teams are strong representations of York High School both on and off the court.
“When a Lady Duke kills it on the court, the rest of us watching cheer so loud; this definitely gives confidence to our teammates,” said Maja Shaw, senior and varsity team captain.
The tennis team hopes to spread their sense of community–not just through their four teams, but to other York students as well. All tennis teams have been competing since the beginning of the school year, and they encourage students to come and support their fellow Dukes on the court as their season continues to progress.
“Be a part of the team, and be a part of a York High School team,” encourages Mr. Heimann. “We’ve been fortunate to have some success and have a strong program, hopefully getting stronger as we go on.”

Ellie Ryan is a senior and is so excited for her fourth year on York-hi! This is her second year as Editor-in-Chief, and her third year of being an editor...