Today, students and staff arrived to school looking ready for a day on an island. Tropical Tuesday was a success.
Below are some photos of students and staff.
Senora Morales’ fourth period Spanish 2H class has a lot of school spirit in their tropical clothing and accessories on the second day of Homecoming Week.Morgan Bojesen, top left, Jessica Hain, top right, Brynn Noonan, bottom left, and Eva Milian, bottom right, show off their tropical print shirts during AP Psychology.Emily Locke, on left, and Madi Miller, on right, show off their tropical print shirts. They said, “We got our shirts at the Village Discount Store.” Locke said, “I had to cut out shoulder pads from my shirt.”From left, Samantha Wilson, Caroline Fritsch, and Mollie Grasse said, “We love how York comes together during Homecoming Week. Everyone loves seeing what their friends and classmates wear. It’s super fun!”Mrs. Albert’s sixth period Food and Restaurant Management class wear tropical clothing after finishing baking a cake.From left, Bri Suchy, Caitlin Ostojic, Kati Potaczek, and Evvie Curran said, “We love the school spirit. Powder Puff is also super fun. We are ready to kick some booty against those juniors tomorrow!”From left, Meggie Hart, Jackie Biggins, Grace Foster, and Julie Biggins said, “We feel like it’s summer again with these tropical tees.”
Kylie Travers is a senior at York. This year, she is Co-Editor-In-Chief of the York-hi. Other than her extremely passionate love of writing and reading...