Junior and senior Lady Dukes take on the turf at the 2016 Powder Puff Game

Wednesday night at 6:30pm, junior and senior girls were given their turn to play under the stadium lights in the annual Powder Puff game.

The junior and senior girls stormed the field, seniors taking home and juniors taking guest. Tatum Langley, senior, opened the game with the National Anthem, and with a full stadium eagerly watching, some players’ nerves were through the roof.

“At first I was too scared to go on the field, but it was so much fun in the end,” said Anna Triska, junior

All the girls agreed that in the end, it was one of the greatest high school experiences they’d had yet.

“Oh my gosh. Pulling another girls flag was so exhilarating and such a rush,” said Abbie Lockie, junior. “I’ve never felt so united with my grade. Everyone came together–the athletic people, the drama kids, the academic kids, and everyone else in between. We all wanted to win and to have fun. I’m not even sad that we lost because we all had so much fun together. And my tackle was AMAZING!”

Juniors were disappointed in their loss, but realized that the game itself was what really mattered.

“The game was invigorating, even though it’s kinda a bummer that we lost. I’m a duke, though, so I know I’ll be okay in the end!” Eileen King, junior.

Seniors on the football team were also happy they were able to pull through with the win, as their season thus far has had more losses than wins.

“The win felt great; it was exhilarating, and we need some more of that with York’s own football team,” said Senior Chris McCoy, captain of the senior team.

Overall, everyone had a ton of fun at the game; juniors cannot wait to have their chance at a win next year.  The senior girls are proud that they pulled off a win their last year playing at the Powder Puff game.

“There is no feeling more rewarding than pulling down a girl’s flag,” Alex Schmitz, senior.

Seniors sport their green powder puff jerseys while anxiously watching their team.
“The adrenaline was definitely running because we were all really nervous, but it was fun in the end,” the York Tropics concurred.
“Getting to stand up and show our peers what real Duke spirit is was the best part of performing. It was embarassing, but totally worth it,” agreed YDPD.
“Performing made us feel like a single drop of rain as it plummets towards the earth, colliding with another raindrop and becoming one beautiful nucleus,” the Slam Dukes said.
“Getting to perform in front of the whole student body was invigorating,” said the Dukes that Stole Christmas.
“Performing was awesome. We were speechless in our moment of glory,” the Dukes of Politics agreed.
Junior girls sport their white Powder Puff shirts, getting pumped up on the sidelines.

Seniors win!