York celebrates Hispanic Heritage Week

To celebrate Hispanic heritage month this September 15 through October 15, Latina Dreamers and Hispanos Unidos planned different activities for the week of November 1st that showcased the Hispanic culture.

Every day during the three lunch periods in the Commons, both clubs invited the rest of York to learn more about one of the many cultures we have here at York.

Monday October 31st, food taste testing:

Photo by Gabby Palomino
Latina Dreamers and Hispanos Unidos had samples of traditional Mexican sweet bread, or Conchas, for students to snack on during their lunch period.
Candy made out of tamarind which is a spicy fruit that is used in a lot of Mexican candy was also available for students to taste test.
Photo by Gabby Palomino
Hispanos Unidos and Latina Dreamers brought in a crunchy snack, Chicharrones, that are pork rinds and a traditional Hispanic snack.

Tuesday November 1st, face painting:

Photo by Gabby Palomino
Senior and Hispanos Unidos member, Jose Guzman, got his face painted by senior and Latina Dreamers member, Lessly Diego, to celebrate and represent Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Death.

Wednesday November 2nd, dance:

Photo by Gabby Palomino
The Latina Dreamers’ girls pair up with the Hispanos Unidos boys to perform a dance that they have been practicing for weeks after school.

Thursday November 3rd, food eating contest:

Photo by Gabby Palomino
(From left to right) Celeste Avila, Leo Avila, Jose Guzman, and Lessly Diego set up the food eating contest this Thursday in which students compete in eating a cupcake without using their hands.

Friday November 4th, game day:

Photo by Gabby Palomino
Members from both clubs invite other students to play in an intense game of musical chairs during lunch.

We thank Hispanos Unidos and Latina Dreamers for informing us on the Hispanic culture. Stay tuned for more events from both clubs!