On Jan. 21, the day after Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as America’s 45th president, women from across the country and across the globe joined together to march for equal rights. The idea was born in Washington DC where a Women’s March was proposed to show our new president that, as the crowds themselves put so eloquently, “We’re Not Going Away”. While Chicago’s own “Woman’s March on Washington” expected a turn out of 50,000 people, the planners were pleasantly surprised when over 250,000 marchers attended, fired up and ready to go. Below are some images from Chicago’s “Women’s March on Washington”.
“I truly cannot believe I am still protesting all of this. I am OLD and my BACK HURTS!” -Sheryl, marcher on Jan. 21, 2017 and in 1987Christina (center) marched in 1967-1968 with Martin Luther King. She poses on Jan. 21, 2017 with Becca Rogers (senior) and Rachel Catalano (senior) at the Woman’s March on Washington – Chicago.A marcher holds her sign high chanting, “Women are the Wall!”.Becca Rogers uses Rachel Catalano’s back to make a sign that explains why she marched.Participants express their feelings towards the election’s outcome.Getting antsy to march, protesters hold their signs high.There was an expected outcome of 50,000 participants, but 200,000 marchers showed up.Chants break out from the lively crowd.Using Mr. Trump’s words against Hillary Clinton, women embraced their “nastiness” by standing together.Marchers hold up signs that say “Love not Hate, Makes U.S.A Mighty Great!” and “I’m With Her & Her & Her & Her”.Young marchers take the street.“Love not Hate Makes America Great”.Participants of the march vocalize their feelings about the country’s new president and his policies.The crowd continued to grow throughout the day.One marcher commented on some of Mr. Trump’s offensive remarks.This marcher summed up the entire event with their sign.Protesters were not willing to be silenced or to make nice.Channeling their inner Princess Leia, one protester made a witty comparison to Star Wars, wishing that the “force be with” all of the protesters.Protesters climb up high to begin a chant: “Resist hate, Assist love!”Lady Liberty is portrayed with the phrase “I’m With Her”.Young protesters get up on the medians with their families to chant.It was a beautiful day for the march, with the temperature at a warm 60 degrees.
Ella Lee is a senior at York and she is excited to be on the York-hi staff for her second year. In the future, she aspires to study abroad and explore...