‘RAYS’ the roof
There are a wide variety of clubs and activities at York that students have the option to participate in. If you’ve ever heard about RAYS, you probably know about their projects that they do for hospitals and homeless shelters. Whether it’s making blankets, creating bracelets, or writing cards, RAYS is a service club that does a lot of projects on the local level. Their main goal revolves around the idea of giving back to the community and raising awareness in your society.
Last month, RAYS took a field trip to Aurora to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children, an organization that packs meals for families and children in need.

“Last year when we went to FMSC, we actually made the record board for most meals packed,” said RAYS leader, Lauren Sussman. “Although that didn’t happen this year, we were definitely the most spirited group there. Every time we finished packing a box of meals, we sang ‘Twist and Shout’. It was such a great experience to hang out with the club members and be able to help hungry kids in need.”
Other RAYS projects include making blankets for organizations like PADS and homeless shelters, putting together gift bags for the children’s ward at Elmhurst Memorial, and running a book drive for the Alaine Lock Charter School in Chicago.
“RAYS directly impacts the community by donating to organizations in the area,” said Club leader Allie Orzak. “It also inspires students to make an impact within the boundaries of DuPage by earning service hours for each club meeting they help at.”
This year, the club has grown by three times the size than it was in the past. “We have about 35 members as opposed to 10 from last year,” said Orzak. “This allows us to do more projects in a faster time than we used to. This is also why we want to take more trips, because we actually have plenty of people to do so now.”
Currently, RAYS is selling York themed water bottles at sporting events for $4. They are hoping to use the proceeds to fund more club projects and volunteer trips to nursing homes and Illinois Food Banks.
By purchasing a water bottle, you make it possible for RAYS to venture out into the community and make a difference in your society, by helping out people in need and bringing light into their lives. Come out and support the dukes at sporting events and buy a RAYS water bottle to show your school spirit.
RAYS meets every Friday morning at 7:10. Come join them and ‘RAYS’ the roof!

Jacky Cyriac is a freshman here at York. She enjoys photography, listening to music and writing. She has an eye for art and is great with a camera. Her...