Get a Taste of Italian Culture!


Keep your eyes open for the next two months because Italian Club has some awesome plans! The dates for the following activities are yet to be determined, but you definitely don’t want to miss out.

There is a charity work opportunity where everyone brings in a  Christmas present, and they bundle all the gifts together to give to a children’s shelter.

Also, if you love authentic Italian food then you will definitely want to come to our cannoli/panini making party! It is filled with Italian sausages, cheeses, spreads, and much more!

The best part about this club is that you don’t have to be in a Italian Class at York to join!

“Italian Club is a great place to bond with fellow classmates and learn and explore some culture from Italy!”  Signorina Del Percio said.

All in all, stay aware for further announcements and dates to come.

A presto/see you soon!