8th Grade Activity Night excites future York Dukes
The influx of students returning to in-person learning means that many will be in the school building for the first time in over a year. While students and their families can choose to stay home for remote learning, most chose to return for the four day schedule.
Every year all of York’s clubs, sports, programs, and other various activities, set up a table or two each to introduce incoming freshmen to the dozens of activities offered here. This event is the Eighth Grade Activity Night, and this year it was a huge success. Hundreds of eighth graders strolled the halls of York with their parents, exploring the endless possibilities for the next four years of their life. Defined by interaction, curiosity, and opportunity, this year’s activity night painted an image of an involved and inclusive student body.

The Duke approves of 8th Grade Activity Night 2018! He acted as a welcoming and friendly symbol for the incoming freshman class of 2022 on Tuesday, Jan. 30th.

In the York Commons, an 8th grade volleyball player and her parents inquire about the Girls Volleyball program here at York.

Special Olympics draws some attention as players detail their experiences to open-eared 8th graders who are possibly considering joining the team.

Mr. Edgley gives a presentation on the numerous art classes offered at York.

Boys Lacrosse grabs the attention of some 8th graders who have played through middle school on club teams and who are enthusiastic to play for the Dukes.

The parent volunteers at York Athletic Boosters sell spirit wear to next year’s newest Dukes during 8th Grade Activity Night.

Journalism Club members Rachel Perry, sophomore, Madeline DeGrace, senior, and Annika Tourles get ready to recruit some freshmen into their journalistic endeavors with some help from junior David Hansen and sophomore Matthew Hauser.

Key Club posts up in the second floor hallway to commit freshmen into the largest club at York during 8th Grade Activity Night.

Dukes of Diversity members, Olivia Williams, junior, Darnyce Spingfield, senior, and Ian Williams, sophomore, offer a set of welcoming arms to incoming freshmen who represent minorities her at York.

Luc Plaisted is a sophmore, and this is his first year on staff. He took journalism last year and is excited to be on staff full time. He will be playing...

This is Julie Friedman's first year on the York-hi staff. She is a sophomore and is in Mural Club, Key Club, and Science Olympiad. In her precious moments...