October 17, 2014 | Humans of York
Kellyann Gallagher, York-hi photographer
“Who is the most important person in your life?” “My mom.” “What has your mom done to make her so important to you?” “My dad isn’t the greatest person in my life so my mom gives me love when nobody else does.” “Is your dad still in your life?” “Yeah for the most part.” “Do you ever think you could improve your relationship with your dad?” “I have tried for a really long time but I don’t think we can anymore.”
About the Contributor

Kellyann Gallagher, Photo Editor, Fashion Reporter, Performing Arts Reporter, Humans of York, Social Media (Instagram)
Kellyann Gallagher is a senior at York and happy to be back for her second year on the York-hi staff. Here at York, she makes the costumes for the Drama...