Juniors Emily Fujiwara (left) and Madeleine Fine (right) show off their sunshine-filled chalk drawing. “Right now with COVID, it can be extremely hard to feel like you have a voice in the community,’ Fujiwara said. “However, each person has the ability to create something that will brighten someone’s day, and that is why I encourage everyone who can to go outside and participate in the chalk drawings.” (Photo courtesy of Valerie Weinshenker)
Juniors Emily Fujiwara (left) and Madeleine Fine (right) show off their sunshine-filled chalk drawing. “Right now with COVID, it can be extremely hard to feel like you have a voice in the community,’ Fujiwara said. “However, each person has the ability to create something that will brighten someone’s day, and that is why I encourage everyone who can to go outside and participate in the chalk drawings.”

Photo courtesy of Valerie Weinshenker

York’s Week in Photos: 10/19-10/25

October 26, 2020

During the first week of York’s return to remote learning, students found ways to stay involved in clubs and sports. Cross country held their annual senior night, York drama put on a virtual production of “Almost, Maine” and tennis participated in their sectionals tournament. Find out more about this week in photos below.

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