This Week in Photos: Feb. 21-28
Seniors Katie Reidinger, Anthony Poli, and Jackson Nehls performed in the auditorium on Wednesday afternoon on the York Album Project Instagram account (@yorkalbumproject) to both promote both York Live, which will be broadcast at the end of March, and Fine Arts Month, which will feature lots of different guest artists, performers, and musicians throughout the month of March.
March 1, 2021
From a hockey senior night to record-low COVID-19 cases at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital, the past week was full of important moments in the York community. With a decrease in COVID-19 cases, we have seen a variety of York activities and sports begin to meet in-person.
This Friday, York hockey seniors were fortunate enough to get a senior night and play their last home game at Addison rink. Although it ended in a 3-6 loss against New Trier Green, the team will never forget an amazing night. "I am so happy we got to have one last game at the barn" senior captain Mike Kamienski said. "It's really special to know the parents wanted to make this happen and give us a senior night we did not think we were going to have".