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The choir program continues to grow in harmony

The choir program continues to grow in harmony

Choir sang their hearts out at Elmhurst University’s Hammerschmidt chapel on Feb. 8, bringing love and harmony to the community. They continue to bring pure and authentic happiness to the community.

The pews were packed with people craving to hear the choir’s newest, best work. There were beautiful performances of Acapella, performances from the Cadet Choir, Choraliers, and the Concert Choir. There were five soloists including Charlie Matias, Keith Hilavach, Eleanor Markos, Lucas Prine and Ella Liutikas. Andrea Luna had an astonishing performance of the flute while playing a Scottish folk song, “Turn Ye to Me.” Kate Krupa came out with a bang with her drums performing “True colors” by Steinberg and Kelly, and “Honeysuckle Rose” by Fats Waller.

The diverse choice of songs during the choir performance was incredible and gave a new sense to the choir. “Nine to Five” by Dolly Parton was sung by Acapella and moments later we had a lullaby and Scottish folklore by Concert Choir. It brought different feelings and aesthetics to each individual performance. The Acappella started the concert with “Landslide” By Fleetwood Mac, which is always a hit. The last song of the concert was “Cornerstone” by Shawn Kirchner played by the Concert Choir with two soloists Lucas Prine and Ella Liutikas.

“It was interesting being in a different venue but it was cool and overall a good time,” junior Quinn Tolman said. “I loved Choraliers and their jazz performances.”

The CD order form for the winter choir concert was conveniently on the back of the pamphlet. Costing $20, anyone can place an order until March 8. Rebecca Marianetti, the choir director, expressed her gratitude for the performers. She spoke on the improvement they have made these past few months and how their beautiful voices continue to get stronger.

A special appreciation was made for all of the students who participated, the administration and the performing arts teachers. Join us to see the choir at the St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 2 and Fine Arts Week to enjoy the sound of harmony.

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