Garden Variety Partnership
Whole Foods has awarded a grant to our very own Garden Club. The Whole Kids Foundation, Whole Foods’ organization that educates kids about nutrients in veggies, along with FoodCorps, will distribute over $5 million to over 2000 schools, including ours . This is critical in schools because it allows students to understand that healthy eating and a lot of veggies lead to a healthier and happier life.
That being said, the Garden Club will be receiving some supplies like seeds and a starter guide to gardening.
Mr. Andrew Bendelow, one of the advisers to the Garden Club, said, “We couldn’t have started without seed money from the Thiems Grant program of the District 205 Foundation.”
They’re using a courtyard to plant a garden and turning it into a learning environment.
This new outdoor classroom will be accessible to the handicapped, feature raised beds full of vegetables, cold frames to extend the growing seasons for veggies, as well as plants that are native to Illinois.