Two Weeks into TSI

Laura Swain

TSI Interns from left to right: Noah Bergl, Ray Maddi, Devarshi Vyas, John Eboli, Sam Fontana and Brandon Hamline.

Two weeks into the 2015-2016 school year and the Technology Services Internship (TSI) is in full swing: providing out of class support, gaining certifications and repairing Chromebooks. The class, directed by new York faculty member Ms. Bartholomew, runs during fourth, fifth and sixth periods and is available to students of all grade levels.

“You can take the class more than once, which is the beauty of it because the more you take it the more certifications you get,” said Business and Computer Science teacher, Ms. Bartholomew.

TSI interns began their certification training the first day of school. Many of the certifications obtained in this class, such as the Dell Repair Certification, are recognized in the business world and give the students practical qualifications even before graduating high school.

The students themselves commented that the class provided them with practical skills which are applicable and sought after in the real world.

“I like the class because it is very hands-on and you get real field experience” said senior Sam Fontana.

Yet while the class provides students with field experience, Bartholomew commented that it is still very much a class. Students are assessed on their ability to repair anything from a cracked Chromebook screen to a projector.

TSI interns are expected to be independent and take initiative in their learning. The interns also practice customer service skills and are exposed to computer programming throughout the year long class.

The TSI interns commented that they have seen moderate traffic with regards to Chromebook issues. Most of which involve forgotten passwords or cracked screens.

But overall “its been very smooth and students seem to have embraced them [the Chromebooks]” said Bartholomew.

“Things have been running smoothly overall” said Mr. Smith, the Director of Technology for District 205, as well.

He expressed that the school district’s goal is to eventually have Chromebooks for every student district wide. While it might take a few years to implement them, Chromebooks are becoming a necessary tool for students of all ages.

Laura Swain
TSI Interns work on their certification from Dell.