York becomes a part of Food Fight
After learning about a club called Food Fight at her church, junior Macaila Britton made it her mission to make York High School a part of Food Fight’s team.
Food Fight is a student-led organization, originally started in Naperville, that helps fight world hunger. The club focuses on fundraising ideas to create awareness to the fact that hunger is a major problem in the world right now.
Events through the school are hosted by the club, in which students come and help package foods to be sent out to countries in need, including Nepal and Sri Lanka.
At these events, students stand in assembly lines and fill bags with foods that are nourishing but will not spoil over time. Rice, dehydrated vegetables, soy, chicken, and more are put into plastic bags before being weighed, sealed, and sent away.
“One very common misconception is that Food Fight is not continuously fighting for their cause,” said Macaila Britton. “Food Fight focuses very heavily on helping other people in the community as well.”
That’s why they plan on volunteering at the Elmhurst Food Pantries to make sure that people in the community aren’t going hungry either.
Throughout the rest of the year, the club raises money to buy the meal bags that will later be sent out to countries in need. Fundraising involves students at schools hosting a many different of events, such as t-shirt sales and business solicitations.
“Outside of school, companies like Chipotle or Chick-Fil-A agree to partner with Food Fight,” said Britton. “This promotes business in addition to raising awareness to Food Fight. Also, once a year Food Fight hosts a Benefit Concert, where students can perform and support each other while raising money for Food Fight.”
The money that student’s raise goes to an organization called Impact Lives, which is a group created to help individuals become leaders and turn their passions and talents into something that can benefit others.
“We will never solve the hunger crisis, but when we work together, we can help make a big difference,” said Mary Hoffer, an event manager with Impact Lives, in an article written by The Daily Harold.
The student’s that founded the club in Naperville felt that teenagers have a much greater impact on the world than people give them credit for, and that’s why they gathered a team at their local high school and they started Food Fight.
“I think it’s important for York students to get involved in Food Fight, because they don’t have a club that continuously fights to end world hunger.” Said Britton. “Just because we’re 14 or 18 doesn’t mean that we don’t have the power to make an impact on the world and create change.”
Other students at York feel the same way.
“I think that Food Fight is a great club for students at York to get involved in.” Said Ashley Nacyk, senior.
Food Fight is currently at Naperville North, Naperville Central, Matea Valley, Nequa Valley and Oswego High School, and now York is added to the list.
A Food Fight Benefit Concert is being held February 27th at the Naperville Yellow Box Church. Tickets can be purchased for $10 at www.foodfighting.org/ffbc2016, all money raised at the benefit concert will go towards buying food that will eventually be sent to another country.
Meetings for Food Fight will be starting soon, and you can contact Macaila Britton for more information at 17mb65770@elmhurst205.org.

Julia Neri is a senior at York High School. This is her third year as a staff member on York-hi, and she has been the features editor of the newspaper...