“Check mate!”
York Chess Club goes to state

After months of practice and hard work, the York Chess Club took their talents to Peoria, IL last weekend to compete in the state competition. The team had a record breaking season going 5-2 within the conference and bringing up a number of younger players with fresh talent. After a multitude of matches, the team ended up in 67th place out of about 200 teams. While they didn’t bring home a trophy, team members had personal bests and are excited for what the future holds.
Reed Morley, senior and captain, was 7th in his pool at the end of day one with a record of 3-0-1 and was particularly satisfied with his last state competition. Glen Leher, senior, and Manu Mehta, freshman, both placed in the top ten places at conference and also showed strong performances at state. Although the competition for the seniors on the team is over, Manu and the rest underclassmen have an exciting three upcoming years for the team.

Jack, senior, is currently in his second year as part of the YTV crew and first year as part of the York-Hi staff. When not stuck doing homework, you can...