York Album Project: This is Amateur

Album cover art for album project courtesy of sophomore Tessa Vermeulen.
It’s finally back and ready to blow your mind. York’s student music album, This Is Amateur (2016), was released on April 26. Anyone and everyone can also listen to the album on Bandcamp for free at http://yorkalbumproject.bandcamp.com, or can choose to purchase the CD for ten dollars at the release party which was held on May 1 by Mr. Gemkow. A total of 23 artists and groups participated in the project with each group contributing with at least one original song.
“It was a really awesome experience,” said sophomore Natalie Riecker, “I had a lot of fun, and it really made me bridge out and learn how to write songs.”
Each student participating in the project worked hard for months to prepare an original song to include on the album. Students are grateful for the opportunity. They are even more happy about the experience they have had along the way.
“I really like to write music, and this is the first time it’s actually official,” said freshman Dana McAdam. “It’s an awesome thing to say that I have a professionally made a song.”
Some of the artists are veterans from last year who returned to the album project with a whole new outlook on writing music and are just as eager to make new original work.
“Being in it [The Amateur Musicians Club], last year it [The Album Project] was kinda the same experience,” said senior Isak Reveles. “But even so, every time I write a song it kind of shows a new character that I never knew I really had.”
Fortunately, the students did not have to work entirely alone since they had the help of music teacher Chris Gemkow, the sponsor of Amateur Musicians. Gemkow sees a lot of potential in students and has always wanted to help them reach their full potential.
“The question is are they getting the experience to be better musicians?” said Gemkow.
The album project started last year in 2015 and will hopefully be a staple at York. The plan is to produce an album every single year–just as long as there are students willing to show their musical talents to the public.
“It’s not about getting a hit, it’s about writing music,” said Gemkow.
Disc One:
Johnny Moon & the Astronauts – Trance
Adela The Life – Song
Alex Stezowski – New Order
Stonewall Jackson & the Basement Fighters – Baja Blast
Presque Isle – Truly Love
Jenna Garcia & Friends – I’ll Remember You
Willis – Butterscotch Milk
Grant Mitchell – Oh, You
Gypsy Jazz – Ben’s Song
Fredo – Consciousness
Jeremiah Miller – Through it All
Disc Two:
Kennedy & Pamela – Tell Me
Ben Pavlik – Hellhound Blues
Lena Stoljiljkovic – Doesn’t Have To Be
The Acrylics – All Planned Out
Isak Reveles – One Sided Love
Kayman Klaas – Stay Awhile
Archaic Anarchy – Crash Down
Madds Buckley – Behind the Lines
Maria Muehleis – You
Luke Sever – Voidal
Dana & Najette – Locked Doors
Squid Vicious – Creepy Coven