Junior and senior Lady Dukes dominate the 2017 Powder Puff game
On Wed., Sept. 20 at 6:30, junior and senior girls took on the York football field to play an intense game of flag football at the annual Powder Puff game. Check out pics of all the players below!

Juniors walk over to the football stadium before the game.

Juniors Elysia Woodward and Jacki Riek hold up a ‘Go juniors!’ banner while junior Noelle Pedote peeks through the bottom.

Junior Libby Wagner and Allie Pastuovic stop for a picture while entering the stadium before the game.

Seniors (from left) Kara Zec, Lily Labuda and Gia Gamperl stop and take a picture after discussing their plays for the game.

Seniors (from left) May Mann, Gigi Marino and Anna Greer pose for a picture before they play in the game.

Juniors Aileen Horn and Brooke Johnson take a picture before cheering the juniors on.

Juniors (from left) Jacki Riek, Noelle Pedote, Annalise Soldano and Artemis Siavelis get excited to cheer on the juniors in the game.

Juniors discuss their plays and break before the first quarter begins.

Seniors huddle up to discuss their game plan before the first quarter begins.

Juniors (from left) Noelle Pedote, Annalise Soldano and Artemis Siavelis take a picture before the 2017 Powder Puff game begins.

Seniors pose for a picture before the 2017 Powder Puff game begins.

Seniors (from left) Eileen King, Ellen Wells, Lauren Vilips and Dede Stone pose for a picture after playing in the annual Powder Puff game.

Juniors (from left) Kate Larson, Libby Wagner and Allie Pastuovic take a picture during the break between the first and second quarters.

Seniors cheer as the seniors on the field make an interception.

King of the Couch group, Total Duke Move, cheer on the Dukes from the sidelines before their halftime performance.

Junior Josiah Scott coaches the juniors from the sidelines.

Juniors (from left) Kate Larson, Libby Wagner, Allison Naples and Allie Pastuovic pose for a picture as they wait for the second quarter to start.

King of the Couch group, Pokedukes, take a break from cheering and ‘catching them all’ to take a picture.

Seniors Grace Vincent and Isabelle Dyer pose for a picture during a break in the second quarter.

Seniors Carina Kanzler and Eileen King get pumped for their quarter in the game.

King of the Couch group, Dukes on Duty, stand by on the sidelines in case any players need saving.

Senior Maria Gentile takes the ball from junior Riley Haug in the third quarter of the game.

Juniors have the ball and seniors hustle to pull their flags.

King of the Couch group, Holy Dukes, stop and pray for a good halftime performance during the second quarter.

Juniors and seniors get ready for the second quarter to kick off

King of the Couch group, Denim Dukes, ‘fly the jean’ to motivate players on the field during the second quarter.

Juniors and seniors stop during the third quarter after a flag was pulled.

King of the Couch group, Total Duke Move, cheer on the Dukes from the sidelines before their halftime performance.

Green is the New Black and Total Duke Move King of the Couch groups take a group picture before their halftime performance.

Seniors cheer on their team from the sidelines as the girls go for a touchdown.

The marching band pumps up the crowd with “Hey Baby” during the second quarter of the game.

Juniors and seniors face off in the beginning of the third quarter.

Juniors win the game!

Juniors run to the center of the field after the game ends.

Juniors celebrate their win of 27-0.
About the Contributor

Isabelle Downey, Y's Tales Editor-in-Chief
Isabelle Downey is a senior and has been on staff for the past three years. This year, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Y's Tales. She is involved in YTV,...