Prepping for the pep rally
Homecoming is just around the corner, and prior to the dance comes the girl’s Powder Puff game, the big Varsity football game, and the pep rally. York has always been known for its great athletic teams and enthusiastic school spirit. So what should we expect from the most energetic individuals at York?
The varsity cheerleaders will be performing a brand new routine at this Friday’s pep rally. “Our coach choreographs it, and all three squads will be performing it together,” said Lexi Bojesen, varisty cheerleader.
Their routine will consist of stunts, tumbling and their signature chant, “This is York!” In addition to the cheerleaders, poms will perform a team dance at the pep rally. “We all split up into groups and take different parts of the song and then we teach it together,” said senior Teagan Barnes, pom captain.
This years Homecoming theme is “A Night on the Nile,” so students can expect an Egyptian theme in the field house this year. The pom captains said they like to stick to the theme for their dances. “Our music this year is very Egyptian and we will also throw out some Egyptian moves,” said senior Abby Wright, pom captain.
The notorious King/Queen of the Couch competitors (see above) will also be on hand at the pep rally. You can’t miss them in the hallways and at athletic events in their funny costumes with their music playing loudly. Last year The Scooby Dukes earned the sought-after spot on the worn down couch that lay’s on the 10 yard line on the football field. Expect a huge celebration when this year’s winner is announced at the pep rally. Come to the pep rally to show some school spirit and support the football players. Then keep the spirit going by attending Friday’s footbal game. The Dukes will be taking on the Willowbrook Warriors on September 19 at 7:30 pm.

Kellyann Gallagher is a senior at York and happy to be back for her second year on the York-hi staff. Here at York, she makes the costumes for the Drama...