Humans of York: Finals Edition


Graphic by Kellyann Gallagher Images courtesy of Google

      “What is one thing you do when it comes to finals?”

"Study and cry."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“Study and cry,” Maurizio Marrero, senior.









"Cram study." "Don't try with anything; hair, clothes or make-up."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“Cram study,” Norah Haarstad, freshman
“Don’t try with anything; hair, clothes or makeup,” Isabelle Downey, freshman




"I have to do yoga or I can't focus."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“I have to do yoga or I can’t focus,”  Madeline Pearson, senior.










"Drink a cup of coffee."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“Drink a cup of coffee,” Angel, sophomore.


Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“Worry,” Damiris Cano, senior











"I wake up each day at 5 to workout."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“I wake up each day at 5 to workout,” Jake Anderson, sophomore.



"Eat a lot. Sleep a lot."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“Eat a lot. Sleep a lot,” Kendall Kurzweil, junior.









"I play basketball. Every time I get answer right I would shoot, but if I got the answer wrong I would have to add two more questions." "Every time I study I chew the same flavor of gum. Then for the test I have chew the same type of flavored gum."
Photo by Kellyann Gallagher
“I play basketball. Every time I get an answer right I would shoot, but if I got the answer wrong I would have to add two more questions.”
“Every time I study I chew the same flavor of gum. Then for the test I have to chew the same type of flavored gum.”