Students shave their heads to raise money for St. Baldricks
During the lunch periods today, students who had participated in the St. Baldricks campaign to raise money for cancer awareness shaved their heads. Students, teachers and parents sat atop a stage set up in the commons, where a hairdresser took a razor to their head and grazed off their hair while students gathered around to watch and cheer them on.

Senior Carter Strauss, who raised $1,435 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, has his hair stripped away during fifth period in the commons. Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

Steven Strauss, father of senior Carter Strauss, gives a grin of confidence as his head is shaved for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. He raised $3,920. Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“My grandmothers passed away this December of cancer, so I’m doing it in memory of them this year,” said junior CJ Cote in regards to why he was shaving his head.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“It’s a great cause and it’s fun,” Social Studies Department Chair Mr. DiNovo said. “I’m a big believer in school spirit and this event blends it together.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“A lot of people are affected by cancer and my family has been affected as well,” junior Sannan Iqbal said. “I know people who are fighting cancer right now. I feel like it’s my obligation to do this.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“It’s embarrassing because my hairline is really bad and my luscious curls are gone,” sophomore Joshua Mathiasen (right) said. “But I did it to support kids with cancer and stuff–I don’t really care how I look if it’s for charity.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“I know what it’s like to have people in the hospital and I can’t imagine going through that with a child,” senior Erin Hastings said. “No one should have to go through that.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

Spanish teacher Joseph O’Malley gives a reassuring smile to the audience during fifth period lunch as he has his head shaved. Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

With a swift shave, junior Christian Pinta has long locks buzzed off. He raised $235 for St. Baldrick’s. Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“I wanted to help raise awareness and some money,” Computer science teacher Mr. Barnum said. “And it’s a great event.”

“I had relatives that had cancer,” sophomore Chris Eckard said. “I felt that I should do it for them.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

“A lot of people are affected by cancer and my family has been affected as well,” junior Sannan Iqbal said. “I know people who are fighting cancer right now. I feel like it’s my obligation to do this.” Friday, Mar. 16, 2018.

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