CCRC helps York upperclassmen with the college process

The College and Career Resource Center is busy at this time of year with college deadlines creeping up on York seniors. Mrs. Thompson, CCRC counselor or to students “the guru of the college application process,” is working hard to make sure seniors are prepared for college deadlines and for juniors to start the process.

“Right now I am answering questions for students who haven’t payed attention or are confused about college applications,” said Thompson. “Students should take advantage of college application Tuesday where I am free to answer all questions regarding the process.”

Seniors who have questions should refer to the CCRC website because “most of what they need to know is right on there,” said Thompson.

Since majority of seniors are done applying to schools by December 1st, Mrs. Thompson is ready to spread the college knowledge to juniors.

“In October I held big group meetings with juniors to give some background on the process,” said Thompson.

Juniors are getting introduced to the process with taking the ACT or SAT sometime this year.

“It is important to strike a balance with giving them college information, so that the information reaching them is not too early but not too late,” said Thompson.

In December, Mrs.Thompson is going to visit junior English classes to tell them about Naviance and get accounts set up and running.

“Naviance is a very important tool in the college process, so getting the juniors familiar with it by next year will help them out,” said Thompson.

The CCRC is a valuable resource for students at York who have questions or concerns about the college process.