Finals survival guide

Image courtesy of Syracuse University

Image courtesy of Syracuse University

With finals just around the corner, time is ticking to get studying. There’s always that final you put off until the end, or the class that you NEED to get an A in, and of course, the daunting math final that’s all too early. But, no worries this semester. Students and teachers around York have been sharing their top final tips. Here’s a list of ways to make sure you ace your exams.

1) Sleep! York agrees—it is the best way to ensure success. “Get plenty of sleep. Cramming before a test is unlikely to help, said World Language Department Chair, Ms. Nall.

2) Speaking of cramming—don’t. By studying over weeks or days instead of hours, you’ll ensure to retain more information. “Study little bits at a time. Good rest. No cramming,” math teacher Mrs. Weed said. “Budget your time. Plan ahead which classes to spend the most time on,” senior Katie Riek said in addition.

3) Eat a good breakfast. You hear it everywhere, but it’s true: going into an exam on a full stomach will give you brainpower and focus. And besides, as English teacher Ms. Regan said, “No one wants to hear your stomach growling.”

4) Seek the help you need. The Math Lab, Learning Commons, Elmhurst Public Library and individual teachers are all great resources to study and receive help. “You need to find actual practice instead of just reading over notes,” senior Laurel Chamberlin said. York has these resources.

5) Confidence is key! Mr. Chambers recommends dressing nicely, because “your performance reflects how you look in life.” Whether it’s dressing up for your tests, going in for extra help or seeking a study group, feel confident!

Good luck on finals, York!