Workout destinations of Elmhurst

Workout destinations of Elmhurst

As February comes to a close you might be noticing that your stomach is hanging over your jeans more than usually and that new years resolution to get fit is long in the past. The cold makes your body cling to fat and getting to the gym through the snow can seem as a very daunting task, especially at a gym one can get lost among the multitude of machines and body builders. Fortunately we have some great alternatives in Elmhurst that will get you that beach body just in time for spring break!

Yoga by Degrees
Location: 1042 South York Road, Elmhurst
Type: Hot Yoga studio
Offers: Five different types of hot yoga
Best for: People who like yoga, want sculpted arms, and like to work out in a class environment.
Specials: Offers free week for new students
Prices: $79 first month for auto pay, $109 after for unlimited, $15 for drop in class
Studio recommendation: YBD 1 for beginners

Core Power
Location: 183 No York St., Elmhurst
Type: Hot Yoga Studio
Offers: Four different types of Yoga, and Spin classes
Best for: People who like yoga, but also want to be able to get a cardio workout and like working out in a class environment.
Specials: Offers free week for new students, free classes on Saturdays at 4:30
Prices: $115 for unlimited month, $16 for drop in class
Studio recommendation: C1 for beginners

Yoga Shala
Location: 506 Spring Road, Elmhurst
Type: Yoga Studio
Offers: 10 types of heated and unheated yoga
Best for: People who want to do Yoga but not necessarily in a heated environment always.
Prices: $89 for unlimited month , 18$ for drop in class
Specials: Offers free first week for new students
Studio recommendation: Harmonious gentle Hatha yoga for beginners

***For heated yoga you must be 16 to be in heat, and if under 18 you need a parent waiver.

Dailey Method
Location: 155 North York St, Elmhurst
Type: A class style studio that incorporates yoga, pilates, and barre work all into one
Offers: Four different types of barre classes
Prices: $200 for unlimited month, $20 for drop in class
Best for: Someone who is looking to lengthen their muscles, strengthen them and work on alignment.
Specials: new students $100 unlimited first month
Studio recommendation: Dailey Basic for beginners

Location: 123 North York St, Elmhurst
Type: Cross Training gym
Offers: 16 different types of classes including boot camps, yoga, and spin classes
Best for: Someone who wants to expand their general fitness and like class environment workouts, also great for runners who want to cross train.
Prices : $125 for unlimited month, $10-$18 for drop in depending on length of class
Studio recommendations : TRX Bootcamp for beginners