How to avoid freshman fifteen

As seniors, we are about to take the biggest step of their lives –college. With this giant step there are a lot of new responsibilities that we will have to take on, one being our health.

Being away from home we will be surrounded by a lot of new temptations that could lead us to the dreaded freshman fifteen.  Here are a few tips on how to avoid adding on the pounds!



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  1. Don’t drink beer 

There are two reasons why you should avoid beer: one, it is illegal; two, it is very high in calories.



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  1. Be careful with dorm food 

You will have unlimited access to food… and although that sundae bar is there every day, that doesn’t mean you should get a sundae every day! All schools have a salad bar too–check that out instead of always getting pizza!



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  1. Exercise! 

Many people are athletes now in high school but will not be continuing their athletic careers in college.  If you completely stop being active, don’t be surprised if the pounds start sticking.  However, good news!  Many universities now have amazing rec centers; this is part of what your very high tuition is paying for, so use it!