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The student news site of York Community High School

This Is York

The student news site of York Community High School

This Is York

The student news site of York Community High School

This Is York

Ella Lee

Ella Lee, Editor-In-Chief, York-hi

Ella Lee is a senior at York and she is excited to be on the York-hi staff for her second year. In the future, she aspires to study abroad and explore the world while writing about it. In her free-time, she loves to play the violin and is involved in orchestras at school and outside of school.

All content by Ella Lee
Members of the York community "brave the shave" for St. Baldricks. March 2017

Before and after the shave was braved

Ella Lee, Editor-in-Chief
March 24, 2017
York Percussion Ensemble takes the stage

York Percussion Ensemble takes the stage

Ella Lee, Editor-in-Chief
February 28, 2017
Dukes can't stop loving the jazz band

Dukes can’t stop loving the jazz band

Ella Lee, Editor-in-Chief
February 16, 2017
York hosts first Family Feud night

York hosts first Family Feud night

Ella Lee, Editor-in-Chief
January 20, 2017
Students from the Class of 2020 process through a canyon of cheering upperclassmen as the enter the athletic wing for Freshman Night on Tues., Aug. 9

York welcomes the Class of 2020

Ella Lee, CoEditor-in-Chief
August 17, 2016
York students reflect on voting

York students reflect on voting

Ella Lee, A&E Editor | York hi
May 9, 2016
Making America Grate Again

Making America Grate Again

Ella Lee, A&E editor | York hi
October 9, 2015
What does it mean to be a Duke?

What does it mean to be a Duke?

Ella Lee, Reporter | York hi
September 21, 2015
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