Students take advantage of the extra time on late starts to look their best
Junior Clarissa Kupczyk is beyond excited to start the day sporting high socks and dads over sized t shirt for this weeks late start. Wednesday, Oct. 4 2017
Late starts: something that we all look forward to, that little thing that gets students through the strenuous week. Some of us walk into school on Mondays feeling and looking miserable. Occasionally, on Tuesdays, girls may apply some mascara and guys may put on some deodorant, stepping up their games.

Freshman Sarah Wilms looks her absolute best wearing black sweatpants and a slouchy grey long sleeve shirt. Wednesday, Oct. 4 2017
However on Wednesdays, the school is our runway. We all walk with confidence, embracing our inner Kendall Jenner, because those extra two hours have us feeling and looking like a brand new person.
“On late starts I wake up at 8:30 and throw on sweatpants and a t-shirt to be able to sleep more,” said junior Michael Regan. “I brush my teeth and leave, sometimes even forgetting breakfast.”
With a shortened day on Wednesdays, we all make sure to use it wisely. We will sleep in a bit, but also make sure that we do not rush our routines like we usually do. The night before, we will plan out what to fit in Wednesday morning to make it a productive one.
“Students should probably sleep in a little bit extra, and have a nice hearty breakfast,” said Mr. Dowdy. “Chick-Fil-A has a nice breakfast sandwich. I also advise students to take time and get their hair done up, so we can make fashion at York great again.”
Students of Mr. Dowdy have taken his advice coming to school looking their absolute best. Both girls and boys have walked into school on Wednesdays with a new, bright, and bubbly attitude.
“I typically wear black York sweatpants with a grey cami,” said sophomore Nicole Demare. “I put my hair in a messy bun, with no makeup, and wear Burks with high socks.”
Kids all over York have used these extra couple of hours in the morning to piece together an outfit really showing off who they are, through eccentric choices like sweatpants and college tshirts.
“I choose to wear black Nike running shorts with a light yellow noodie,” said senior Maya Kosanovich.
Some female students have taken on the gender neutral theme as seen in this year’s fashion week, by grabbing their dad’s oversized t-shirts. These shirts students pair with things such as black or grey leggings, or maybe even some running shorts on those hotter fall days; what a bold choice!
“I feel that my ability to complete academics is higher than an average starting school day,” said senior Jacob Smallwood. “But I’m still not excited about it.”
People tend to think that high schoolers walk into school everyday with a frown on their faces, just hoping the day goes by faster than the last. Although this may prove true on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and even Fridays, every Wednesday at York you can guarantee to see students throwing their lanyards on and walking past the deans as they enter the school with the biggest smiles on their faces.
Perhaps it’s the large breakfast they made sure to eat that morning, or maybe the effect of the elaborate clothing they wore, or the fact that none of the kids ran out of the door rushing to get to school due to the extra time given to them.
With this relaxed, yet put together routine on late start days, Wednesdays have turned into the happiest days at York. We no longer have to get pushed out of our houses by our parents to leave for school. We feel excited to go to school, looking and feeling our best on these beautiful 9 a.m. Wednesday mornings.
So keep an eye out at York for those daring college t-shirts paired with some of the most intrepid sweatpants. Take a lesson or two from the bold clothing statements made on late start days and sneak them into your outfits for the upcoming long weekend.

Annika is a junior who is taking on her first year on staff. Writing has quickly become an interest of her's as it allows her to release her feelings and...