Garden club gardens receive certification

Club members(left to right)Libby Penna, Brenton Russo, Will Corrodo, Barrett Sullivan, Kevin Homan and Elle Hainey pose with their new certificates.

Photo courtesy of garden club

Club members(left to right)Libby Penna, Brenton Russo, Will Corrodo, Barrett Sullivan, Kevin Homan and Elle Hainey pose with their new certificates.

This winter, Garden Club was awarded with certifications from various horticultural organizations for their exceptional campus gardens. These awards speak to the out of school labor the club committed to this environmental cause.

“The certifications are a testament to the hard work and research that Garden Club members have put into the school’s new pollinator gardens,” said Mr. Bendelow, sponsor of the club. “They signify that national experts have recognized what we’re doing at York to make a more beautiful and healthy environment for humans and other life forms”

Photo Courtesy of garden club
Club presidents Abby Gundrum and Dominic Gatti work on plants in the courtyard garden.

The Conservation Foundation recognized the gardens for promoting an environmentally friendly area and by the Xerces Society as a pollinator garden. The National Wildlife Federation recognized the gardens as Certified Monarch Waystation, meaning they have reversed some of the habitat destruction that humans have caused.

“Monarch Butterflies are native to Illinois and are on of the main pollinators that help keep our plants healthy,” said Abby Gundrum, co-president of the club. “It’s important that we, as a club, work together to engage the student body to protect these habitats.”

The clubs ultimate goal is to embellish the school in a way that gives back to the environment. Among this effort is the maintenance of the courtyard garden. Additionally, they do things like supply of herbs and vegetables to La Brigade, York’s student-run restaurant.

Club members at work in the courtyard garden.

“We want to make a positive impact on our school and community and hope we will inspire others to do that same,” said Dominic Gatti, co-president of the club. “It is rewarding to see students enjoying the eco-friendly spaces we have made.”

Garden club will continue to develop the gardens and this school embellishment. The club encourages you to keep a look out for the pollinators to sprout up in the courtyard. Since the plants are perennial, they will continue to grow year after year.