Mural Club: Changing plans to ACHIEVE something better

Recently, Mural club has gone back and redesigned the previeous ACHIEVE themed Mural.

Mrs. Kuharchuk, head of the club, stated this was because York’s ACHIEVE plan has also undergone some changes.

Despite the setback, the new mural now has a more concrete set of features as students and staff work to make a more clear definition of the ACHIEVE program.

“ Were thinking a lot more York spirit,” says Mrs. K,” including phrases like ’This is York’, ‘Be safe,’ ‘Be respectful,’ ‘Be Responsible,’ including the Duke, and just other key phrases having to do with York, being more spirited.”

The murals location still hasn’t been fully decided yet, but the club wants to place it in a more central location ,such as in the main hallway leading to the offices, or the one leading to the Commons.

With the design nearly finished, we should expect to see brushes and buckets of green paint around York in the near future.