New Club at York: Record Club

Sometime in early October during Mr. Gemkow’s eighth period guitar class, Gemkow and Tyler Jevaney, a junior, were having a conversation about the Rolling Stones. Tyler found out that he did not know as much about the Rolling Stones as he initially believed, and an idea flashed like a light bulb: he thought that him and Gemkow should form a club to explore what students are listening to.

“Record Club provides an opportunity to expand your musical horizons. The main reason why I made this club is so that I could have continuous exposure to new music,” Jevaney said.

“After a conversation that Tyler and I had, Tyler didn’t know as much about the Rolling Stones as he thought, so we spontaneously came about the idea of creating an open forum for listening, discussing and enjoying music,” Gemkow said.

Even though the name is “Record Club”, Gemkow reiterated that members don’t have to bring in exclusively vinyl.

“It’s about the music, not what it’s recorded on. It not just about specifically vinyl,” Gemkow said.

On October 11, the club met for the first time, and has met every week ever sense.

“Record Club meets every Friday morning at 7 a.m. in the music room A155,” Jevaney said.

Record Club isn’t limited to a precise genre, rather it provides an opportunity fhor students to listen to other opinions about certain music and help them in their personal search for music.

“There is no specific genre to Record Club; any type of music that is loved by someone is welcome. Yet, the label rock’n’roll encompasses what Record Club is all about,” Gemkow said.

The club has no specific objective, yet they hope to continue a constant music discussion for all.

“There is no specific goal that we have, rather what we hope to do is have as many people interested in music and discussing it as possible,” Gemkow said.