Many changes in Y’s Tales

Recently, the Yearbook has gone through many changes, including a teacher swap as well as the group’s first deadline. The Yearbook’s original teacher leader, Mrs. Walsh, is now becoming a counselor because of the vacancy in the counseling office. The new teacher that will lead Y’s Tales is Mrs. Bylina.

Regarding Mrs. Walsh’s departure, “I am very sad that Mrs. Walsh is leaving, I have had her as a teacher since freshman year. However, I am happy that she will do great things as a counselor.” Said senior Christian Heinzel.

The first deadline for yearbook was on October tenth, and many members were nervous but excited going into it.

“I am a little nervous going into deadline because I had two spreads, but they were fun spreads, so that was exciting.” Said junior Annie Mundle.

Even with these two important events occurring in unison, the Y’s Tales is still going strong and living up to it’s reputation of producing quality yearbook at the end of the year.